Ways To Increase NEAT (Non-exercise Activity Thermogenesis)

Man walking to work as a way to increase his NEAT exercise

The best way to boost your NEAT is by evaluating your daily routine and finding opportunities to increase your activity, such as taking the stairs or gardening.

NEAT, or Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis, is the energy needed for daily activities that aren't formal exercise, like intense gym workouts or running.

In reality, NEAT can significantly help you achieve your fitness goals with minimal effort.

In this article, we'll share simple ways to incorporate NEAT into your daily routine, the benefits it offers, and much more.

5 Easy Ways To Increase Your NEAT

Watch the video below to discover 5 easy ways to boost your NEAT, as recommended by one of our incredible instructors at East Park Gym!

@eastparkgym 5 ways to increase your NEAT
What is NEAT? NEAT stands for non-exercise activity thermogenesis. Meaning it is the energy you use for everything that is not sleeping, eating, or exercise.
5 ways you can increase your NEAT include:
1. Taking the stairs over an elevator/lift
2. Stand at your desk sometimes instead of opting to sit all day
3. Fidget! Whether that’s tapping your feet, turning in your chair, or playing with your hoodie toggles
4. Pace whilst on work calls so you aren’t staying in one spot all day
5. Cleaning is a great way to increase your NEAT as you’ll also have the reward of something being nice and clean!
#neat #fyp #exercise #activity ♬ Walking Around - Instrumental Version - Eldar Kedem


Other ways to increase your NEAT include:

  • Walking to work
  • Standing more
  • Taking regular walking breaks
  • Washing the car
  • Walking the dog
  • Gardening
  • Walking to the shops 

If you incorporate these suggestions into your daily routine you'll definitely up your NEAT level.

Benefits Of Doing NEAT

Helps with Muscle Recovery

NEAT activities promote gentle movement, aiding in muscle repair and recovery. This low-impact activity helps reduce muscle soreness and stiffness.

Can Relieve Stress and Improve Mental Health

Engaging in NEAT can alleviate stress and boost your mood. Simple activities like walking and gardening provide a mental break.

Improves Cardiovascular Health

Incorporating NEAT into your daily routine enhances heart health. Regular movement helps maintain healthy blood pressure and improves circulation.

A Simplier Alternative If You're Coming Back From Injury

NEAT offers a gentle way to reintroduce movement after an injury. It allows for gradual physical activity without overstraining the body.

It's A Low-Impact Form Of Movement

NEAT activities are easy on the joints and muscles. This makes them suitable for people of all fitness levels, including those with physical limitations.

Requires No Special Skill

No special skills or training are needed to engage in NEAT. Everyday activities like walking, standing, and doing chores count towards this.

It Cost's Nothing

Incorporating NEAT into your life costs nothing. It involves utilising routine activities to stay active without the need for expensive equipment or memberships.

Burns Calories

Daily NEAT exercise helps you burn additional calories throughout the day. Simple activities like standing, walking, and doing household chores contribute to increased daily energy expenditure.

Compliments Your Other Training Or Exercise

NEAT seamlessly fits into your existing exercise plan. It enhances overall activity levels without interfering with your primary workout routines.


We hope you found this article intriguing and have now found ways to increase your NEAT.

For more great reads check out "Is Yoga Good For Runners?" and "What Shoes To Wear For Working Out?".


Frequently Asked Questions Related To: Ways To Increase NEAT

Q: What are examples of NEAT activities?
A: Some popular examples of NEAT activities include walking to meet friends, gardening, standing a

Q: How to increase NEAT at work?
A: To increase NEAT at work, try incorporating more movement into your daily routine. You can take the stairs instead of the elevator, walk around during phone calls, use a standing desk, take short walking breaks every hour, and consider walking to a colleagues desk instead of sending an email.